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Survival, biomass, and oxidative stress associated with the compatibility of different scion/rootstock combinations of grapevine
Renata Caroline Rossoni Gobetti, Adriano Suchoronczek, Rafael Henrique Pertille, Chaiane Renata Grigolo, Nelson Pires Feldberg and Idemir Citadin Bragantia 83 (2024)
Effect of Rootstock on Vineyard Establishment Using Green-Growing Benchgrafts
Jose R. Munoz, Samantha J. Stauch, Jennifer Wootten, Matthew Kitchen, Matteo Abreu, Christian Jose Rodriguez, L. Federico Casassa, James A. Wolpert and Jean Catherine Dodson Peterson Agronomy 13(6) 1586 (2023)
Phenology, bunch morphology and must quality of five grapevine hybrids grafted onto two rootstocks