Instructions for Authors

Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola (Journal of Viticulture and Enology) is an international journal that publishes original articles, review articles and technical notes, written in Portuguese or in English, on the various fields of the science and technology of vine and wine: Viticulture, Enology and Vitivinicultural Economy.

Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola can only consider manuscripts that have been approved by all Authors, and that have not been published and are not currently submitted for publication in anywhere else.

When an Author used a Figure or a Table from another publication, it should be clearly indicated the origin of the manuscript, and permission for reproduction from the publisher concerned should also be obtained.

All manuscripts are peer reviewed and only those with a positive report will be accepted for publication.

Manuscript submission

The manuscript must be submitted in a digital format by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola instructions to Authors in PDF format.

A cover letter should be submitted along with the manuscript. A concise explanation on the novelty and significance of the manuscript should be provided. Statements that it has not been published previously and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere should be included. The names, affiliations and email addresses of three suggested reviewers should also be included.

Manuscript preparation

Authors must use the Microsoft Word template to prepare their manuscript.

Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing the manuscript.

Manuscript structure

The manuscript should be arranged as follows: Front page; Introduction; Material and methods; Results and discussion (in a single section); Conclusions; Conflicts of interest; Acknowledgements; References.

Review manuscripts should be arranged as follows: Front page; literature review sections; Concluding Remarks; Conflicts of interest; Acknowledgements; References. The template file should also be used to prepare them.

Front page

The first page includes:

  • Title: in the language of the main text, followed by its translation into the second language*.
  • Authors' full first and last names.
  • Affiliation: complete address information including city, zip code, state/province, and country.
  • Corresponding author: at least one author should be assigned as corresponding author (marked with an asterisk); his or her telephone number and email address should be provided.
  • Summary/Resumo:should not exceed 250 words, written in the main language of the text (English or Portuguese) and followed by another in the second language (Portuguese or English)*; non-standard abbreviations should be avoided.
  • Keywords: three to five keywords should be provided, in both languages*.


Manuscripts written in English (American or British is accepted, but not a mixture of them) must be grammatically correct. If the authors are not native English speakers, it is recommended the manuscript to be edited before submission by a native English speaker.


Define abbreviations that are not standard at their first mention in the text.

Tables and figures

Tables and Figures should be inserted after their first citation and must be numbered according to their sequence in the text (Table I, Table II, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc). Fonts: Times New Roman and Symbol. A short but informative title/caption in the main language of the text should be included.

Figures: colours, black and white, grey hues are allowed; all symbols used must be included into the Figure; all abbreviations used must be included in the caption.

Tables: footnotes should be place below the table body.


Equations should be included as editable text and not as images, numbered consecutively and referred to explicitly in the text (Equation 1, Equation 2, etc) after their first citation.


Footnotes should not be used.

Supplementary material

Supplementary material is not allowed.


The international system of units (SI) must be used.


Citation in text

Ensure that all references cited in the text are included in the list (and vice versa). When several references are cited together in the text, they should be firstly organized in ascending chronological order, and then alphabetically, if necessary (Silva, 2019; Santos et al., 2020; Sousa et al., 2020).

Citations in the text:

  • Single author - the author's last name and the year of publication (Silva, 2020);
  • Two authors - both authors' last names and the year of publication (Silva and Santos, 2020);
  • Three or more authors - first author's last name followed by et al. (italics) and the year of publication (Silva et al., 2020).

Use “personal communication” in parentheses after the reference if necessary.

References’ list

References should be listed by authors in alphabetical order and in ascending chronological order if necessary. The journals’ titles should be abbreviated.

  • Article in a journal:
    Vilela A., Monteiro B., Correia E., 2015. Sensory profile of Port wines: categorical principal component analysis, an approach for sensory data treatment. Ciência Tec. Vitiv., 30, 1-8.
  • Book:
    Stuart J.A., Robb E.L., 2013. Bioactive polyphenols from wine grapes. 66 p. Springer, New York.
  • Chapter in a book:
    Giraud N., Lurton L., 2008. Mécanismes de formation et conséquences qualitatives de l’isobutanal présent dans les eaux-de-vie de Cognac. In: Les eaux-de-vie traditionnelles d’origine viticole. 111-115. Bertrand A. (ed.), Lavoisier-TEC & DOC, Paris.
  • Conference or poster presentation:
    Alves F., Eldmann M., Costa J., Costa P., Costa P.L., Symington C., 2012. Effects of rootstock and environment on the behaviour of autochthone grapevine varieties in the Douro region. In: Proceedings of IXth International Terroirs Congress. Dijon, France.
  • Thesis:
    Fraga H., 2014. Viticultural zoning in Europe: Climate scenarios and adaptation measures. 195 p. PhD Thesis, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
  • Web reference:
    Reference. Available at: https:\\xxxxxxx (accessed on
    The full URL should be given followed by the date when the reference was last accessed.

* The Editorial Board of Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola may ensure the translation of the marked items into Portuguese when the article is accepted for publication and is written in English by authors whose native language is not Portuguese.